Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Good Bug, Bad Bug

Days 11 & 12

In the past few days there have been some major developments in the garden. The squash blossom that came out to greet me on Friday has been replaced by a very small squash! One other squash plant has a blossom on it as well. When I looked in to the blossom it had ants crawling all around! I was very concerned and made a mental note to google this disturbing scene when I got back to the office. It turns out the ants are going in the blossoms for the nectar. Sometimes they can even help by spreading pollen from bloom to bloom. I must check for aphids though because apparently that is a common problem on the under sides of squash leaves. 

The cucumber plants are starting to spread out with their tendrils wrapping around anything they can. When I picked up a leaf and noticed there was a tendril wound tightly around a small weed the image of a drunken cucumber plant trying to make it out of the garden without falling over and being unable to get back up sprang to mind. Tomato plants are exploding out of their cages. I discovered that many more of the plants are indeterminant rather than determinant. This is exciting news because it means I can prune them and they will continue to produce up until the end of the season! That means more tomatoes! 

I have begun to worry more about the garden's survival after I leave. With only one really dedicated volunteer, I fear it's demise is imminent! I hope with more classes and the ribbon cutting ceremony for some publicity I will gain some support. I have an interview with the local paper next week and plan on mentioning how the garden needs a solid volunteer base to survive and I would hate to see such an amazing program wither (pun intended). 

I really feel like such a proud parent when I see any new developments in the garden. I don't really do that much but I feel like I am making some sort of difference. 

Construction of the compost bin is slated for Thursday when we will hopefully have all the supplies needed. Until then, the wooden pallets are patiently leaning up against the shed. 

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