Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Day 7

The rain started last night and didn't let up until this afternoon so I couldn't be in the garden today. It isn't good to garden when it's wet since you don't want to compact the soil. So, there isn't too much to report garden wise. A grand opening is being planned for when we put up the sign for "The Healing Ground." The local paper should be there and we will get some pictures. 

I am learning more about the bureaucratic red tape associated with government agencies. I don't know if any of my grand ideas will be within the bounds of the rules. But, I do know that I have found some wooden pallets that I can use to construct a compost bin! As soon as I get them to the garden I can have a little compost bin building program for the vets! We can learn about how to make a bin and then, what goes in it to make good compost. 

The opportunity for veterans to come out and garden has now been extended to the full five hours I am up there. This should encourage more participation. 

I have also started making a "Starting a Garden" PowerPoint so that I can compile all of the things I have been learning. I'm excited to start building the bin! I'd like to get it finished by the end of this week. 

I apologize for the short, dry post. I hope to have more excitement for you tomorrow!

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